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About Us

      The Department of Digital Financial Technology will be established in August 2023. We will offer an undergraduate program that granted admissions to approximately 50 students each year. In recent years, with the advancement of cloud computing, data analysis, and artificial intelligence, financial technology (FinTech) related industries have shown explosive growth in the past ten years, and the digital transformation of financial institutions is also imminent. To meet the growing need of professionals for the FinTech related industries, our department provides integrated courses on information technology, finance, and quantitative methods to cultivate interdisciplinary professionals with both digital technology and financial expertise.  

      The curriculum of our department is based on the curriculum design of top famous schools in Europe, America, and Asia, including New York University, Carnegie Mellon University, University College London, University of Hong Kong, National University of Singapore and other schools. The program aims to cultivate professionals capable of combining digital technology and financial applications. Students are required to acquire 128 credits before graduation, which includes 28 credits of general education , 12 credits of college required courses, 56 credits of department required courses, and 32credits of elective courses.